Could steak & eggs be the key to a long, healthy life?Could steak & eggs be the key to a long, healthy life?

November 3, 2016

2 Min Read
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Earlier this week, proponents of a meatless society celebrated World Vegan Day. I missed the grand celebration, but did catch the campaign urging folks to double up on their meat intake to balance out the meatless followers who will be guilted into ditching steaks and bacon this year.

The myth that meat is bad for your health really took off in the 1970s with the introduction of the low fat, high carbohydrate diet trends. Before that, it was common to find a Mason jar of lard for cooking in most kitchens, and meals centered around meat, dairy and egg products.

I think as a society, we all want to find that “perfect” diet to help us achieve health and wellness as we age, and it’s become very complex. People invest mega bucks to hire the best nutritionists and trainers to help them achieve their goals.

However, the healthiest diet may be much simpler than those in the business of selling shakes and fitness routines might lead you to believe.

Take, for example, Emma Moreno, a 116-year old Italian woman, who is believed to be the last remaining person born in the 1800s. She was interviewed earlier this year about how she has managed to stay healthy for more than 100 years.

According to the article, which appeared in Global News, “Moreno attributes her longevity to her unusual diet: Raw eggs every day – a diet she’s been on for decades after a sickly childhood. She said she is down to two raw eggs a day and 150 grams of raw steak after a bout of anemia.”

She said, “My father brought me to the doctor, and when he saw me he said, ‘Such a beautiful girl. If you had come just two days later, I would have not been able to save you.’ He told me to eat two or three eggs a day, so I eat two eggs a day.”

If that isn’t a positive testimony for keeping meat in your diet, I don’t know what is! As the holidays approach, folks are looking for ways to stay trim despite the many Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings that are on the calendar. Perhaps we should follow Moreno’s trick to a long and healthy life and stick to the turkey, ham and beef roasts and skip the cookies, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pies.

The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of or Penton Agriculture.

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