BPI's Lean Finely Textured Beef Defamation Case Will Proceed

A South Dakota judge dismisses ABC's request to throw out the Beef  Products, Inc. defamation suit regarding the "pink slime" term. 

March 30, 2014

1 Min Read
BPI's Lean Finely Textured Beef Defamation Case Will Proceed

A defamation case Beef Products Inc. (BPI) filed against ABC regarding the news organization's use of the term "pink slime" to describe the company's lean finely textured beef (LFTB) product will move forward, South Dakota Judge Cheryle Gering ruled Thursday.

BPI filed suit against ABC in September 2012, alleging that ABC launched a disinformation campaign that had an adverse effect on BPI's reputation, and used the term "pink slime" to describe the company's LFTB even after it had been provided factual information about the product.

Initial arguments regarding the ABC, BPI “pink slime” case were heard in December 2013. As a result of the disinformation campaign, BPI claims, sales declined from approximately 5 million lbs./week of LFTB to less than 2 million lbs./week, three BPI facilities closed, and more than 700 employees lost their jobs.

To read more about the BPI case, click here.


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