Choice cutout rally continuesChoice cutout rally continues
Ed Czerwien, market analyst based in Amarillo, Texas, offers a concise summary of last week's beef cutout trade and the continuing cutout rally.
The weekly average Choice cutout, which includes all types of sales including the daily Choice cutout, was $232.40 which was $7.33 higher and helped again by all major primal price increases. The weekly average Choice chuck and round primals were $6-7 higher. Both are much higher than last year, which really helped the cutout go higher because together they are over 50% of the carcass and cutout value.
However, the weekly average Choice rib primal was $14 higher and has now climbed higher than last year. It has set the new top for this entire year making this fall rally higher than the grilling season rally. In fact, it is now currently higher than any of the previous year’s big fall rallies which shows just how important that Choice ribeyes, which are cooked as prime rib for holiday parties, have become.
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