Meat Market Update | Exports lead the way in 2020Meat Market Update | Exports lead the way in 2020
Ed Czerwien, market analyst based in Amarillo, Texas, offers a concise summary of last week's beef cutout trade.
Exports are the hot topic this week as export volume was very high this past week. There were 1451 loads which was 218 loads higher compared to the previous week. There has been two very large weeks in a row, meaning exports are starting the year off strong.
The daily spot Choice box beef cutout ended the week on Friday at $214.49, which was 0.32 higher compared to previous Friday. It is now below last year, when the same Friday in 2019 was $217.01 and climbing. It moved almost $4 higher the same week last year. It then dropped down to$ 212.85 on Tuesday, January 28, which was a little earlier decline than last year’s drop.
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