Meat Market Update | Mid-December plunge could pull cutout lowerMeat Market Update | Mid-December plunge could pull cutout lower

Ed Czerwien, USDA Market News reporter in Amarillo, TX, offers a concise summary of how last week's beef trade impacted the cattle market and beef prices.

December 15, 2016

1 Min Read
Meat Market Update | Mid-December plunge could pull cutout lower

The big seasonal rally on the Choice primal rib continues to pull the cutout higher but the round, chuck, and loin have not really helped the rally much because they have traded in a narrow level zone the past few months. The Choice primal rib normally takes a big plunge in mid-December and might have started that fall on December 14th because the daily Choice rib dropped from 391.00 to 372.00 in just that one day.


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