Meat Market Update | Out-front grilling season leads cutoutMeat Market Update | Out-front grilling season leads cutout
Ed Czerwien, market analyst based in Amarillo, Texas, offers a concise summary of how last week's beef trade impacted the cattle market and beef prices.
The weekly average Choice cutout, which includes all types of sales was $217.48. This was $1.80 higher regaining slightly more than it lost last week. The weekly average Choice rib primal was $5 higher and continues to climb in a similar early rising trendline seen last year. However, it is trending above last year's prices. The weekly average Choice loin primal was $3 higher and very close to last year. Both of these provide steaks for the grilling season and were helped by higher priced out-front sales. They also get a boost from the higher priced daily spot sales.
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