Meat Market Update | Rib primal cuts rally pricesMeat Market Update | Rib primal cuts rally prices
Get the latest boxed beef report from USDA market reporter Ed Czerwien.
December 9, 2016
1 Min Read

<p>The declining prices have spurred increased exports and out-front sales. Our latest price drop is a normal seasonal event and we are very close to the turnaround time. It appears that the Daily Spot Choice cutout is already starting the upward climb ahead of the grilling season.</p>
The daily Choice Primal Rib rally continued to pull the cutout higher as it jumped from $290 to $397 in the last couple of months. However, the weekly average Choice Primal Rib was actually $8 lower this week because of 1.1 million lbs. of out-front boneless ribeye sales whose average price was $576 compared to the current negotiated average price of $857 per cwt. The Rib Primal normally skyrockets prior to the holiday Christmas party season but then usually falls like a rock in mid December when buying for the parties are over.
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