Recent price rallies bring more feeder cattle to townRecent price rallies bring more feeder cattle to town
More cattle came to town. Yearling and stocker cattle stay steady to higher, but cow prices decline.

Price rallies continue to be the reason behind more cattle coming to auction barns. This week there were 40,600 head at the test auctions which was 14,000 head higher than last week and 6,000 higher than last year’s big run. Yearling prices were steady to $1 higher with very big numbers. Stocker cattle were $5-6 higher on smaller numbers.
Slaughter cow receipts were 8,900 head at the test auctions, which jumped quite a bit again with fewer storms. This was up 1,600 head from last week and 3,000 head higher than two weeks ago. However the cow prices declined with those bigger numbers and the lower cow cutout.
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