Try The New 'Drive-Through' Beef Unloading SystemTry The New 'Drive-Through' Beef Unloading System

Not all ideas have to be complicated to simplify life. 

June 11, 2014

2 Min Read
Try The New 'Drive-Through' Beef Unloading System
<p>Why not unload cattle drive-through style?</p>

OK, you go through drive-throughs to get coffee, Cokes, sandwiches, you even go through drive-throughs to do your banking. Why not go through a drive-through to unload your cattle, instead of turning your neck and backing up to one spot to unload?

Dave Redman, Lawrence County, IN, Extension ag educator, helps out frequently with the Bull Test Station at the Feldun Purdue farm near Bedford, Ind. The 230 bulls that come in for the winter test are a handful to unload. That's a lot of trailers to back in. So Redman and others who help at the test station devised a two-gate system which pivots in the middle.

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When no one is unloading, it folds back against the fence. When someone comes to unload a bull, they simply pull straight ahead until the rear end of the trailer is even with the entrance alley for the bull to enter the test station. Redman or whoever is working brings around the hinged gate and fastens it to the side of the trailer. The driver opens his swing gate against the inside wall of the permanent unloading chute.

Click here to read more about this innovative unloading system.


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