Weekly Cattle Market Wrap Up | Feeder cattle prices see big jumpWeekly Cattle Market Wrap Up | Feeder cattle prices see big jump

USDA Market Reporter Ed Czerwien provides his weekly market outlook on feeder cattle and slaughter cows.

Ed Czerwien, Market Reporter

April 20, 2017

Weekly Cattle Market Wrap Up | Feeder cattle prices see big jump

Feeder cattle prices took a big jump on the heels of improving box beef and futures and was mostly $3-11 higher. Receipts dropped down which is normal in April because cattle that are turned out on graze-out wheat pastures normally stay until later in May.
Slaughter cow numbers started to decline as cows are getting turned out on pastures. Prices were steady to $2 lower on the heels of wide swings on 90 percent trimmings prices which make up about 70% of the value of the cow cutout. These wide day to day swings on prices really impacted day to day bidding at the cow auctions.

About the Author

Ed Czerwien

Market Reporter

Ed Czerwien is a market analyst in Amarillo, Texas. From the heart of Cattle Feeding Country, Ed follows the cattle and wholesale markets to keep beef producers up-to-date on the market moves that affect them. He previously worked with USDA as a Market News reporter. Ed is now semi-retired and continues to work with cattle trade analysis.

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