11 reasons to eat beef every day11 reasons to eat beef every day
Ribeyes are a health food, and here is a list of reasons why.
November 23, 2017
It’s Thanksgiving Day — the holiday that reminds us to practice an attitude of gratitude and be thankful for our many blessings. Hopefully, you’re spending a relaxing day with friends and family with a delicious hot meal at noon.
Although today is traditionally reserved for turkey, I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about beef, which is a crowd-pleasing addition to any holiday spread.
Earlier this week, I wrote about how beef is a healthy dietary choice that is good for the planet, too.
READ: Good news for meat lovers: Your diet is healthy and sustainable
Following the blog post, I received an email from the folks at Nutrition Advance. They wanted to share with me an article they thought our BEEF readers would enjoy. Titled, “11 health benefits of eating beef,” Michael Joseph details how despite the often extreme vegan rhetoric pushing for the government to remove meat from the food supply, red meat is, in fact, a very healthful choice.
Joseph’s list includes:
1. Beef provides a large source of L-Carnitine
2. Beef provides the “master antioxidant” glutathione
3. Beef is high in protein and helps improve muscle mass
4. Beef is extremely rich in minerals
5. Eating beef helps prevent iron deficiency anemia
6. Beef contains carnosine, a potent amino acid
7. Beef is full of vitamins
8. Conjugated linoleic acid
9. Beef contains the performance enhancer creatine
10. Beef is very affordable
11. Beef is very simple to make
Joseph goes into great detail on each bullet point, explaining the science in layman’s term. For athletes looking for the ideal protein to fuel their workouts or for the average consumer wanting to have more energy throughout the day and protect their long-term overall health, beef is it.
We have a great story to tell, and articles like this will help change public perceptions and keep beef at the center of the plate.
Joseph concludes his article with this simple statement, “Beef contains dozens of health-promoting nutrients that we need in our diet. Sure, there are other foods which offer some of the same positives, but not in the same amount. Overall, it is one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the human diet. Bottom line: there are many health benefits of eating beef.”
The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of beefmagazine.com or Farm Progress.
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