New guide helps cattle producers understand use of growth promotantsNew guide helps cattle producers understand use of growth promotants
With more than 30 different brands of growth promotants on the market, there are at least 1,100 possible implant combinations in a re-implant program. Here’s how to navigate the market and develop a system that works for you.
June 12, 2016

Both the research and years of hard-won experience are clear—beef producers can use growth promotants to produce safe, wholesome beef with greater efficiency and sustainability. With a wide range of growth promotants available, the issue arises: which one or combination should I use?
To help navigate the growth promotant market, Iowa State University has published “Growth Promotant Implants for Cattle,” which offers suggestions on developing a system based on available implants and individual requirements of an operation, reports Feedstuffs.
“There are at least 1,100 possible implant combinations in a re-implant program and more than 39,000 possible combinations if cattle are fed long enough to receive three implants,” says Iowa State University Extension program specialist Erika Lundy.
70+ photos showcasing all types of cattle nutrition
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The publication also contains a table of implants available as of spring 2016 categorized by potency and active ingredient. In addition, the table illustrates which animal class (suckling, stocker or feedlot) is approved for each individual brand of implant.
The three-page publication, IBC 113, is available in pdf format as a free download from the ISU Extension & Outreach store website.
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