Cover Crop Haying, Grazing Extended In Some StatesCover Crop Haying, Grazing Extended In Some States
USDA Risk Management Agency says insurance companies can allow haying and grazing until May 22, if they so choose.
May 12, 2013

USDA's Risk Management Agency announced May 8 it will allow approved crop insurance providers in certain states to extend the deadline date for haying and grazing of cover crops. If the farmers' insurance company chooses, the farmer may be allowed to graze or hay cover crops until May 22, 2013, in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. Farmers need to check with their local crop insurance agent for approval.
USDA's Risk Management Agency is allowing this extension because of continued wet weather in these states this spring. The previous deadline was May 10.
The RMA memo issued May 8 says in these states cover crops may continue to be hayed or grazed until May 22, without affecting the eligibility of the following crop for multiple peril crop insurance coverage if the producer's approved insurance provider (i.e., the crop insurance company) approves. This is a one-year exception due to 2013's wet spring weather. The memo also says cover crops still must be terminated before planting, and producers should contact their crop insurance agent to request permission to extend grazing or haying.
USDA's Risk Management Agency is allowing insurance providers to extend the deadline for haying and grazing cover crops until May 22. This is only for certain states and farmers must check with local agent for permission. Previous deadline was May 10.
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey is encouraging farmers with cover crops to contact their insurance provider if they are interested in haying or grazing after May 10.
To read the entire article, click here.
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