25 things to be grateful for as coronavirus rages on

Every day, I challenge you to find something to be grateful for even on the hard days.

Amanda Radke

April 7, 2020

3 Min Read

A novel virus is taking over the country.

Our businesses are taking a beating.

Our personal liberties are being stripped away.

As COVID-19 impacts nearly every aspect of our lives, there’s certainly a lot of fear, anxiety, stress, anger and fatigue when it comes to dissecting the news, keeping our families safe and healthy, fighting to maintain our individual freedoms and safeguarding our family businesses against the economic toll that is occurring right now. It’s hard not to be totally overwhelmed by the information, or lack thereof, when it comes to reports on COVID-19, and chances are, your family may be facing some very tough times.

On days where I’m feeling low, I know there are others are likely facing far worse situations than myself.

I try to keep things in perspective by considering the families directly impacted by this virus who may be mourning the loss of loved ones, the front-line health care workers dealing with the pandemic, the law enforcement officers trying to keep our communities safe, the truckers who are still running to keep food and supplies in our grocery stores, the retailers who are providing goods to the community, the teachers who are navigating the new realities of educating their students virtually, the small business owners struggling to pay their bills and their employees, the elected officials who are stuck between a rock and a hard place on knowing the best course of action and the workers in food, fiber and fuel who are working hard to keep America moving, despite the economic downturn that is pushing many out of these industries.

President Donald Trump warned Americans in a recent press conference that we are facing a very hard week ahead. While this may be true, as we face the realities of what is to come, I think it’s important to find something to be grateful for every single day.

I recently asked my followers on Instagram what they are thankful for today. The responses are worth sharing, and hopefully, they prompt you to evaluate your own lives and find the good in each day.

Here are 25 of the most common responses I received:

  1. Healthy family

  2. Job security

  3. A good calving season

  4. Healthy calves

  5. Living in the country and social distancing on the ranch

  6. A safe home

  7. Food in the refrigerator

  8. Lights and heat

  9. Plenty of toilet paper

  10. Continuing classes online

  11. Time at home with family

  12. Video updates from students/co-workers

  13. Serving my community

  14. Business is still open

  15. No COVID-19 outbreaks near me

  16. Catching up on projects at home

  17. Online church service

  18. Having money in savings for this emergency

  19. Working remotely

  20. Family members who help with kids

  21. A healthy nursing home for great-grandparents and grandparents to live

  22. Fully functional hospital

  23. Knowledgeable elected officials balancing public health and safety with economic security and constitutional rights

  24. Fresh country air

  25. Nice weather and plenty of sunshine (Better than 2019!)

What would you add to this list? Are you finding something to be thankful for today? It can be easy to let the worries and stress overwhelm our days, but a shift in our perspective can make all the difference.

The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of beefmagazine.com or Farm Progress.

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