Beef checkoff launches #RethinkTheRanch campaignBeef checkoff launches #RethinkTheRanch campaign

Beef. It's What's for Dinner website redesigned, too.

October 26, 2017

1 Min Read

The #RethinkTheRanch media campaign is designed to tell consumers what goes into raising cattle.

Elaine Utesch from the Triple U Ranch in Washta, Iowa, says this a story worth telling.

“As a producer, it’s my responsibility to let people know that farms like ours is where their food is coming from,” Utesch says. “And the beef checkoff lets consumers know that their food is produced using sustainable, environmental practices.”

Hand-in-hand with #RethinkTheRanch is the redesigned “Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.” website. There, the beef checkoff is providing a consumer-friendly, easy-to-understand way to communicate the complexities of raising quality beef.

Cody Easterday, who operates feedlots in eastern Washington, knows the importance of the beef checkoff when it comes to communicating with his consumers. 

“The checkoff is a conduit between us and the consumer,” says Cody. “It provides the education we need to produce the product that the consumer wants.”

Source: Beef Board

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