Beef Tech February 2011Beef Tech February 2011
Beef Tech February 2011
February 2, 2011

Versatile attachment
Easily connect skid steer front-end attachments to tractor loaders with the new interfacing adapter from Worksaver. The Euro quick-style attachment system is an all-welded design that allows users to quickly maneuver between a wider range of attachments without switching vehicles.
For more information, call 217-324-5973 or visit
Optaflexx® topdress
The Food and Drug Administration has granted approval for feeding Elanco’s Optaflexx® (ractopamine hydrochloride) to beef cattle as a topdress to increase live weight gain and improve feed efficiency during the final 28-42 days of the finishing period. The approvals mean cattle feeders of any size can feed Optaflexx as a topdress or in a complete feed to increase live weight and improve feed efficiency by helping cattle better utilize nutrients.
Such flexibility is the cornerstone of Flexx Feeding – a focus on the many ways feeding Optaflexx can fit into real-world management practices, says Travis Choat, Elanco director of beef technical consulting. And, since Optaflexx has a zero-day withdrawal when fed according to the label, feedyard managers can react quickly to changing market conditions.
For more information, visit
Direct-fed microbial
Natur’s Way, Inc., announces MSE Max, a new direct-fed microbial (DFM) specifically designed for automated feedlot systems using micro-machines. Research indicates that microbes in DFM compete with opportunistic pathogens and temporarily take place of the beneficial microorganisms that have perished due to animal stress. Studies also show that MSE-fed cattle have higher average daily gain, feed efficiency, final weight, yield and rib eye area, while E. coli prevalence was reduced by 80%.
For more information, call 800-615-0299 or visit
New look, same product
Boehringer Ingelheim’s new packaging design for Pyramid® 5 more closely aligns it with the firm’s family of products. The Pyramid brand of vaccines was acquired in late 2009, but until recently was still sold in Fort Dodge packaging. Still available in its familiar yellow box, the product Pyramid 5 aids in the prevention of disease caused by BRSV, BVD Types 1 and 2, PI3 and IBR.
For more information, call 816-236-2763 or visit
One-piece tag
A-Tag is a new one-piece, self-piercing tag from Allflex USA. Available in three convenient sizes for beef and dairy operations – calf, cow and feedlot – tags feature the quality materials and construction that producers have grown to expect from Allflex USA. Cow-calf producers can choose from nine colors and feedlots tags come in 20 different shades, plus all tags can be special ordered to have custom marking.
For more information, call 800-989-8247 or visit http://www.all
Billboard vinyls
Recycled advertising billboard vinyls for use as all-purpose tarp material for farmers and ranchers are available from Recycled Billboard Tarps. The 20-mil-thick vinyls are available in common sizes of 14 ft. by 48 ft., 12 ft. by 42 ft., and 10 ft. by 30 ft. Prices start at $60/vinyl.
For more information, call 303-478-6193 or go to
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