BEEF Tech November 2011BEEF Tech November 2011

New products including The Perfect Bungee™, limited-edition Western art prints, and the Novus International’s BioOpti-mizedSM Trace Minerals Program.

November 1, 2011

2 Min Read
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The Perfect Bungee™

The Perfect Bungee™ products from Just Ducky Products are guaranteed to not crack, break, split, become brittle or scuff, and can withstand exposure to salt water, oil, ozone and common household chemicals. The super-strong, flexible polyurethane material safely stretches up to twice its original length, with excellent memory retention, the company says.

Among the Perfect Bungee products is the Perfect Tie-Down, which ties down cargo easily by attaching the hook to one end and pulling the cord with the other. The bungee features one gated and one triangular hook, comes two per package, and is available in black, blue, red, yellow, blaze orange, JD green, safety green, military green, tan, pink or purple.

Meanwhile, the Flex Web strings several fixed-end cords together via a central ring to create a four-, six- or eight-arm “web” in 12-, 18- and 24-in. lengths. The Flex Web secures heavier loads where traditional bungees or cords won’t do the job. It’s available in the same colors as the Perfect Tie-Down. For more information, visit

In time for Christmas

Looking for a great Christmas gift or decoration for the home or office? BEEF magazine has limited-edition Western art prints, signed and numbered by some of America’s top Western illustrators. Printed with high-quality inks on acid-free paper, the prints are available for $100 each, plus $5 for shipping and handling. See the offerings at

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Novus International’s BioOpti-mizedSM Trace Minerals Program claims better bioavailability and greater efficiency at less cost to producers.

University of Missouri animal nutritionist Monty Kerley says organic trace minerals’ better rate of bioavailability compared to their inorganic counterparts means the animal’s mineral needs and top performance can be sustained with less product, saving feed dollars. BioOptimized Trace Minerals optimize mineral delivery and support immune system function, reproductive efficiency, carcass quality, hoof and bone strength, connective tissue strength, multiple enzyme activities, and oxidative balance, says Stephanie Gable, Novus global marketing manager.

For more information, contact your nutritionist or local Novus representative, or visit

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