Here’s some good news about the BEEF familyHere’s some good news about the BEEF family
August 17, 2016

Amidst all the clamor and noise in the news today, it is my distinct pleasure to pause for a moment and introduce you to two new future cattle producers and the newest members of the BEEF family, and to tell you about a BEEF old timer and the recognition he so justly deserves.
Senior Associate Editor Jamie Purfeerst and her husband Mark welcomed Ivy Rose into this wonderful world in May (photo at right). Ivy joins older brother Leo on the Purfeerst farm in Minnesota. Shortly after, BEEF Daily Editor Amanda Radke and her husband Tyler welcomed Thorne Alvin in early June. Thorne joins older sister Scarlett on the Radke Ranch in South Dakota (photo below).
As you can imagine, both Jamie and Amanda spend many days in a sleep-deprived state, keeping up with toddlers and little ones as well as their work for BEEF. But both are proud as can be, and rightfully so. So is their extended family at BEEF.
And finally, retired BEEF Editor Joe Roybal was honored recently by the Livestock Publications Council with its Hall of Fame award. Joe joins several other BEEF staffers who have received recognition for their work and dedication to livestock producers in the U.S.

Photo by Jennifer Shike
Joe (left in the photo, along with BEEF Senior Editor Burt Rutherford) was the second editor for BEEF, after being mentored for many years by founding editor Paul Andre. Joe's contributions to the betterment of the livestock industry and livestock publishing are legion, and I can think of no one more deserving of this recognition. Congratulations, Joe.
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