If you’re the guide, your horse will follow your lead
A horse and rider working together is a pleasure. A horse and rider fighting each other makes for a long day.
July 27, 2017
It’s truly a pleasure to watch a rider and horse work as one. That doesn’t happen by accident. Indeed it takes time to build trust between horse and rider.
But when you do, the payoff is tremendous. Your horse is relaxed and receptive when he has found and understands his role in your relationship. Horses know how to recognize a good guide, and they are happy to follow.
On the other hand, it makes for a long day if the horse and rider are always fighting each other. If your horse is displaying negative behavior, take a look at your leadership style.
In most cases, a horse’s negative behavior is caused by:
Lack of trust and confidence: If your horse is afraid, help him. Break up an exercise so he can understand it and succeed in doing it. It’s useless to ask him to do too much too quickly. Exercises must be done according to the horse’s unique rhythm, not at the speed you prefer. Help the horse where he is, not where you want him to be.
Lack of respect: Respect must be earned. The horse must know who is in charge, which he will learn from your attitude and not from brutality. This lesson can be made easier by the fact that you can control all parts of his body.
Loss of connection/deterioration of the bond: Contact and connections are not only physical. Whenever you interact with your horse, you need to be really present. The link between you and your horse goes beyond the physical - it is also mental and emotional. If you don’t take control of the situation, he will.
Earning Respect
Difficult horses often lack both trust and respect. Fear makes them want to escape from what they feel to be danger. This reaction can have serious consequences, such as pushing, knocking over the handler or kicking.
Your horse must learn to respect your personal space. By controlling his movements, you’ll let him know who’s leading the dance.
A series of exercises will teach you how to move your horse. You must control his forequarters in order not to be pushed, and his hindquarters in order not to be kicked. This procedure affects not only the horse’s physical behavior, but also his mental and emotional state.
Tiring the horse out and concentrating only on the physical aspect can have adverse effects over time. The horse must gain confidence and respect before we can pay more attention to his physical development.
Source: American Quarter Horse Association
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