Max Armstrong talks about the Kentucky Derby. (audio)
April 6, 2017
Have you ever acted in the role of a good samaritan? That's what Dr. Cynthia Ray did Sunday morning. As Dr. Ray and another good samaritan, a teenage boy, tried to help the injured people, they were struck by another vehicle. Dr. Ray died from her injuries and the teenage boy has had his foot amputated.
Corn and soybean prices ought to gain some this spring. South American crops will be bin busters and the U.S. crop could be large, but grain demand around world is strong.
The leader of one of the nation's largest domestic marijuana producing organizations, what became known has the Cornbread Mafia, has been arrested. The 73-year-old John Boone is a legendary figure in central Kentucky.
The solid gold Kentucky Derby Winner's Trophy has arrived at Churchill Downs Racetrack. The 14-karat gold trophy is the only gold trophy in American sports. It is 22 inches tall and weighs 65 ounces. The event, called the most exciting two minutes in sports, will be run on May 6.
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