Most stumbling blocks are in our headsMost stumbling blocks are in our heads
Drought is a great example of a stumbling block, because the way we handle it is more important than the severity of the drought.
August 9, 2016

A few cattlemen and a lot of row crop farmers are starting to show interest in the creation of quality soil health.
Many folks are of the attitude that if we can get things "down under" a little better that will be good enough. Good enough is just a starting place. Starting places might be good enough on a good year. But do not forget that good years come in streaks and so can bad years. A normal year can have a killer middle.
In 2012 we got dry in April and stayed there for only 12 weeks. We actually had five inches of moisture, which is 35% of normal. Corn crops planted in April with conventional tillage on conventional ground delivered about one third of a normal yield. Pastures and hay fields were "dried up." Cattle were eating thistles like they were trained and lots of hay was getting fed. There were several 100-degree days. It started raining on July 5.
I can’t remember what the biggest stumbling block actually was or still is. It possibly depends on the farm or ranch and the time of year as well as the ongoing attitude of the management leaders which is always reflected in the attitude of the rest of the team.
To read the entire article, click here.
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