Replace dogma with logic for better productivityReplace dogma with logic for better productivity
Walt Davis writes for Beef Producer about the use of natural resources including top soil, water and biodiversity.
December 29, 2016

Those of you who have read my ramblings over the years know that I am not a fan of industrial agriculture.
There are several reasons for this position but the main one is that industrial agriculture simply does not work. It is not sustainable, much less regenerative. It produces a lot of product but at a cost that is unacceptably high.
Agriculture, once the premier generator of new wealth in the world, is now wealth-consuming and dependent for its existence on subsidies from outside the system.
The problem goes beyond the cost of products being too high in dollars and cents. In many and perhaps most areas, we are trading our natural resources – top soil, water, biodiversity – for dollars. This is a mining operation, not a growth operation.
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