Youth Telling The Beef Story Video Blog Contest LaunchedYouth Telling The Beef Story Video Blog Contest Launched
Youth ages 16-20 are encouraged to create YouTube videos focused on beef to win prizes.
March 8, 2012

The beef checkoff launched a new video blog contest designed to engage youth in telling the beef story using the power of YouTube. Videos must be two minutes or less and focus on one of eight beef-related topics, including common beef misconceptions, cattle care, beef’s nutritional value and more.
The contest runs from March 5-23, and is open to youth across the country.
Program manager Sarah J. Bohnenkamp says, “Many students will be on spring break at some point during this period, so we’re hoping they choose to use some of their time away from school to put their beef knowledge and creative ideas to work!” Add return here
Tammi Didlot, American National CattleWomen, Inc. (ANCW) president, the organization that manages this contest for the beef checkoff, is excited about leveraging YouTube video messages to engage consumers and youth in the beef story.
“The videos submitted for this contest will help to build a diverse, online library of videos directly linked to beef topics consumers are asking about. We’re thrilled to work with youth who are passionate about beef to tell the amazing story about how the beef community provides safe and nutritious beef,” says Didlot.
The grand prize winner of the video blog contest will receive $750 cash and a trip to the annual Cattle Industry Convention next year in Tampa, FL. Second prize will receive $250 and third prize will walk away with $100.
Check out the official contest rules here.
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