Beef Feedlot Agrees To Pay Penalty To EPABeef Feedlot Agrees To Pay Penalty To EPA
A Nebraska cattle feeder pays fine for not following regulations in the Clean Water Act.
July 11, 2012

A beef feedlot near Broken Bow, NE, has agreed to pay a $145,000 penalty to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for violating the Clean Water Act.
In addition the violating the Clean Water Act, Adams Land and Cattle Company violated its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit related to discharges of pollutants into Mud Creek.
In December 2010, EPA Region 7 inspected Adams’ facility, located just south of Broken Bow. The facility confined approximately 83,000 cattle at the time of the inspection. Inspectors reviewed facility operations, required record-keeping and waste management practices, and also visually inspected the facility.
EPA inspectors documented that Adams had allowed its waste storage basins to overfill with manure solids and sediment to the point they could no longer store runoff from large rain events. A follow-up inspection was performed in December 2011.
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