BEEF Retools Custom Grazing Bulletin BoardBEEF Retools Custom Grazing Bulletin Board
Changes to BEEF magazine’s online listings for custom grazing opportunities make the feature more user-friendly and current. All previous listings must re-submit before Oct. 11 to remain listed.
September 10, 2012
BEEF Magazine recently restructured the Custom Grazing Bulletin Board – an idea suggested by BEEF Stocker Trends readers.
The look is similar, but entries to the free online pasture directory will include the date the entry is posted. In addition, postings will be removed from the bulletin board after three months unless they’re resubmitted. All current postings that have been displayed for more than three months will be discontinued October 11, so if they're still valid, please re-submit.
If you’d like your custom-grazing opportunity to be listed, please send the following information to Wes Ishmael at [email protected].
Contact phone and/or e-mail
Number of acres/forage type
Historic average stocking rate—lbs./acre
Approximate turn-in and turn-out dates
Historic average gains (if available)
Years of experience running stocker cattle
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