Top 10 tips every electric fence DIYer should knowTop 10 tips every electric fence DIYer should know
Whether you are a beginner or more experienced with electric fencing, here are some helpful tips from experienced Gallagher Territory Managers.
June 1, 2019

Did you know that there are right-handed and left-handed fence staples? Put the staple in your hand with the points aiming away from your body. If the slash/flat area is visible on the right-hand point, then it’s a right-handed staple and should be rotated slightly to the right (clockwise) before driving. If the slash is not visible, it is a left-handed staple and should be rotated to the left. Correct rotation ensures the staple is secure and discourages wood splitting.
When it comes to grounding your electric fence, as a rule of thumb, use a minimum of 3 ground rods or the Energizer stored Joules rating divided by 5.
Planning before you begin is key. Sketch out the area you are fencing. Think about water sources in relevance to the fence as well as gates wide enough to gather or move livestock with ease. Check out – a fence selection tool that will help you with this process.
Consider installing a temporary fence for a period of time to see if it works for your needs before installing a permanent one.
Setting your electric fence far enough from a creek or bank will allow you to pass a brush hog alongside of it to help keep weeds/brush off the hot wire. The same is true for a garden fence. If you allow enough room from your outside rows, you can use a tiller without touching the wire.
Did you know that high tensile wire comes off a pay-out spinner counter clockwise? This keeps the drag on the payout spinner from tightening up as wire is paid out.
When installing electric fence, use joint clamps to connect leadout wires and underground cable. Do not wrap the wire onto the fence, as it can arc and will make your fence’s voltage drop simply due to resistance.
When underwiring a gate on a hot/ground fence – mark the ground or hot insulated underground wire with electrical tape so you don’t connect the underground wire to the wrong fence resulting in a dead fence when you are finished.
If you take care of your tools, they will return the favor. Hand tools such as pliers, crimping tools, wire cutters and wire strippers should never be laid on the ground. Keeping tools in your hand, tool belt or bucket will not only keep them clean so you can get optimum use out of them, but it will also prevent them from getting lost.
Using screw in insulators? Make sure you invest in a drill bit. Just put place the bit in a cordless drill, slot in a ring insulator and let the drill screw the insulator into the fence post.
Discover more Gallagher Territory Manager fencing tips that will help you improve your fencing skills.
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