Brazil declares country is FMD free without vaccinationBrazil declares country is FMD free without vaccination
By eradicating foot-and-mouth disease, Brazil strengthens its position in the international market.
May 6, 2024

With the end of the last immunization against foot-and-mouth disease for 12 units of the Federation and part of the state of Amazonas, Brazil has advanced in its Strategic Plan of the National Program for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease and is now completely free of the disease without vaccination.
The self-declaratory announcement of the evolution of the country's health situation was made by the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, alongside the Vice President of the Republic and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, in Annex II of the Palácio do Planalto, last week.
The action, which is part of the process for international recognition by the World Organization for Animal Health, represents the end of the vaccination cycle, which began more than 50 years ago, and the recognition of the quality of national livestock production and the quality of the Service Official Veterinarian.
“It is the beginning of a process in which Brazil changes levels with a group of the global health elite, which is much more difficult to maintain within this elite. With all the dedication, with the states, the entire system, involved, we will reach very demanding but very rewarding markets. We will be able to sell to Japan and South Korea, which are more remunerative and few countries can access them. By declaring itself free from foot and mouth disease without vaccination, Brazil takes an important step,” said Fávaro.
In total, more than 244 million cattle and buffaloes on around 3.2 million properties will no longer be vaccinated against the disease, bringing a direct cost reduction, with the application of the vaccine, of more than R$500 million.
“Today is a historic day, because Brazil has always dreamed of being a country free from foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination, which is an extremely high level of animal health and good agricultural defense", said Alckmin. “This will help us open new markets, increase the price of exports and access more demanding markets. Now we will work to be recognized by the World Organization for Animal Health."
The last occurrence of the disease in the national territory was in 2006, followed by the implementation of free zones, which supported the country's rise as a world leader in animal protein trade, on a sustainable basis.
By eradicating FMD and consolidating itself as a country free from the disease without vaccination, Brazil strengthens its position in the international market, increasing the confidence of consumers and commercial partners in the quality and safety of Brazilian animal products.
“This historic journey reflects the country's determination and capacity to protect its livestock and guarantee the quality and safety of products of animal origin for the national and international market,” said Secretary of Agricultural Defense, Carlos Goulart.
International recognition
The international recognition of the country's FMD-free sanitary status without vaccination is carried out by the OMSA.
To this end, the organization demands the suspension of vaccination against FMD and a ban on the entry of vaccinated animals into the states for at least 12 months.
Brazil plans to present the request for recognition to the World Organization for Animal Health in August 2024. The result, if approved, will be presented in May 2025, during the entity's general assembly.
“Recognition as vaccination-free opens ways for livestock products from these states to access the most demanding markets in the world," said Goulart.
Currently, in Brazil, only the states of Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Acre, Rondônia and parts of Amazonas and Mato Grosso have international recognition as a FMD-free zone without vaccination by the OMSA.
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