MIDDAY Midwest Digest 10-16-18MIDDAY Midwest Digest 10-16-18
Max Armstrong talks about negative campaign ads. (audio)
October 16, 2018
Are you also growing weary of those negative campaign ads? In some states, millions of dollars have been spent on TV ads. Lion’s share of those ads have been negative. Wouldn’t it be something if two candidates agreed to stay out of the mud?
The condition of the soybean crop is declining out there in the field. There too, mud is the story. Two-thirds of soybeans still in the field as of last weekend. The soybean crop in North Dakota condition fell by 7 points, according to yesterday weekly crop report. Crop reporters are saying corn crop condition unchanged. Harvest is ahead of average for corn.
What an October this is for sports fans in America’s Dairyland. Last night, Brewers and Packers played. Remember when speaking at farm meeting in Wisconsin one of those nights when Brewers were playing.
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