MIDDAY-Midwest Digest-January 16, 2017MIDDAY-Midwest Digest-January 16, 2017
Max Armstrong talks wintertime travel, soybean trade and honoring a Navy Seal.
January 17, 2017
Max Armstrong notes that it appears you have to drive more defensively than ever, including the story of a woman in Poynette, Wis., and her seventh DUI arrest. He notes that markets were closed for the day, and wonders if trade will stay strong after overnight trade opens Monday night. He also notes that one market expert points to rising soybean demand and USDA keeps underestimating it. And Max shares the story of a Navy Seal killed in a kayak accident who was honored at a funeral in Cavalier, N.D.
Midwest Digest is a twice-daily look at news from around the Midwest. Veteran broadcaster Max Armstrong offers news and commentary for the region.
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