MIDDAY Midwest Digest, Nov. 12, 2018MIDDAY Midwest Digest, Nov. 12, 2018
Max Armstrong talks about a plane crash, cameras on school buses, delayed harvest report, a farm accident and a new commander at Fort Leonard Wood.
November 13, 2018
Last Friday, the pilot of a small plane had a heart attack, and a student pilot tried to land the aircraft. However, it crashed and all four onboard were killed.
State lawmakers in Indiana are pushing for legislation that would put cameras on school buses, on the outside of the bus.
Forty-two states don't require lap and shoulder seatbelts for students on buses.
We won't know until tomorrow how much crop remains to be harvested.
A man installing field tile near Willmar, Minn., was killed in an accident. He became pinned between two pieces of equipment.
Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, has a new commander; one of the first women to command there, and also one of the first black women.
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