MIDDAY Midwest Digest, October 15, 2018MIDDAY Midwest Digest, October 15, 2018

Max Armstrong talks about the Sears bankruptcy, a military airport shooting, Chris Souls' trial and a farm story told wrongly.

October 16, 2018

 After hearing about the Sears bankruptcy, Max looks back on some conversations with an old Sears exec.

At least one shot was fired when a vehicle crashed through a gate of the National Guard Air refueling area at the Milwaukee airport's military side.

Attorneys for Chris Souls, best known for being on The Bachelor, have requested a change of venue for his trial. Souls faces charges for leaving the scene of an accident that caused the death of a farmer neighbor.

Farmers often have challenges getting their side of the story told. News reports last month were full of concerns about the overflows of hog waste lagoons. However, pork industry leaders said they had lowered the levels prior to the hurricane.

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