
Max Armstrong talks about upcoming Hogs and Pigs report. (audio)

June 27, 2017

A tragedy from fire in the home unfortunately is not uncommon in our region. In Detroit, three people died in house fire. Two of three were three-year-old twins. Third person killed was their grandmother.

The pork industry is anticipating release on latest Hogs and Pigs report. It's likely to show continued expansion. Look for that growth to continue as breeding herd is expected to be 1% higher than last year.

More of us pickup folks want more luxury in those trucks. Automakers are happy to oblige. Dodge coming out with 1500 limited edition RAM selling at just over $50,000 that is their most tricked out truck yet.

Everyday we see poor drivers. There's a list to show were worst drivers are. Many are in California. Looked at number of accidents, speeding. Omaha, Denver, Colombus were among locations with worst drivers. 

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