Max Armstrong talks about 100-year-old wheat farmer Pete Nodlinski. (audio)
July 18, 2018
President and CEO of agriculture bank in the Midwest, in session yesterday with employees he shared that lenders need to remember they are doing business with people. Their understanding needs to be focused on the people . . . the farm families with who they work.
Born Dec. 1, 1918, Pete Nodlinski is in his 75thconsecutive wheat harvest. He told KNOP TV, he contemplated going into the Navy, but his father told him the farm might not be there when he got back. He told KNOP TV that time and technology changes. They used to run pull-type combines and are now doing up to 40 foot cuts. “You got to love doing it and money enough to get started is the main thing,” he said. “In 1950s and 1960s, everybody was neighbor,” he said. We very seldom had to hire men because we always worked together, and if somebody had something to do or needed an extra tractor, we would just go ahead and do it for them." As this 2018 wheat harvest began, Pete could be seen driving tractor and grain cart across the field. When july 1 comes, it’s time to cut wheat, he says.
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