Max Armstrong talks about opioid crisis. (audio)
August 1, 2017
That opioid crisis the nation is going through - the White House Opioid Commission - is asking it be declared national crisis. Death toll equal to Sept. 11 every three weeks because of drug overdoses.
120 highway workers get killed every year in work zones. Latest victim is 33-year-old woman from Fergus Falls, who was severely injured in Anoka County, Minn., by 19-year-old driver.
Iowa is very dry on Aug. 1 as data is being compiled for Aug. 10 crop report. Northeast Iowa has best crop. Lot of shorter than normal corn showing moisture stress in Iowa.
How handy are you? Do you tackle what needs to be handled around house? The farm? Report out says we'll spend record amount on home remodelers so we can stay where we are because not enough places for sale.
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