Max Armstrong talks about benefits for state business subsidies. (audio)
August 22, 2017
The ripple effect of jobs created can be powerful incentive for states to fall over each other in bid to attract companies. For example, Wisconsin, which won bid to have FoxConn locate there. If Taiwan based FoxConn employs 13,000 people in state, it ould spawn 19,000 to 26,000 jobs, according to one economist. Could be return $3.90 for every $1 in state subsidy invested.
Rains have too much of good thing in some areas of Kansas. While yesterday's weekly crop bulletin had corn crop condition unchanged, some private estimates say corn has gotten better. USDA raised its estimate by 1 point, private analyst put his estimate higher, too. August rains generally help soybeans.
They'll be some copies of our book at the Half Century of Progress show.
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