Max Armstrong talks about ag trade. (audio)
November 17, 2017
Some of the more senior among us can remember 1960. It was the year the U.S. entered the Vietnam War. It was the last time the U.S. had agricultural trade deficit was the world. Last year was the third best year ever for U.S. ag trade. It was 30% higher than ag imports.
Anyone ever ask you: Were you born in a barn? Several of you said you’d like to hear it again. My mother asked me quite often when he left the back door open. I was raised in a barn and that’s where I learned the most important lessons in life. I discovered hard work builds character and hurts no one. I found there that sometimes you have to let go, even if it breaks your heart. I gained confidence in myself and my abilities. I understand you have to stand for what you believe in. The next time someone tells you that you were raised in a barn, thank them.
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