MORNING Midwest Digest, August 30, 2018MORNING Midwest Digest, August 30, 2018

Steve Alexander is in for Max, and talks about the Farm Progress Show, trade, strong storms, a Coast Guard decision and social media posts that get you fired.

August 30, 2018

Today is the final day of the Farm Progress Show. Yesterday Sonny Perdue told farmers he knows they want trade, not aid.

Wisconsin got some of the worst of the storms that moved through the Midwest this week. An 11-year-old boy was sucked into a storm drain and traveled underground several blocks. He lived!

The Coast Guard issued a report about the duck boat sinking last month that killed 17 people, including 9 from one family. They found the captain was negligent. 

An Illinois police officer posted some things on Facebook that community members complained about, and the chief fired him. He wants his job back, claiming what he says off duty is no one's business.

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