MORNING Midwest Digest, August 7, 2018MORNING Midwest Digest, August 7, 2018
Steve Alexander is in for Max, and talks about voting technology, Sturgis arrests, the Howard Buffet foundation and a new museum.
August 7, 2018
A 20-year-old woman's body was found in Iowa, but not that of Mollie Tibbetts.
It's election day in Michigan, a state-wide primary. They're using $40 million worth of new technology.
Through yesterday, fewer people had been arrested for drunk driving at Sturgis than in previous years. However there have been more drug arrests.
A Missouri girl searched the internet for movies where kids kill parents, and then followed through. She'll be tried as an adult for shooting her parents to death.
The Howard Buffet foundation is making an investment in Decatur, Ill., and involves community health.
There's a new museum in Newton, Wis., that allows visitors to simulate driving a combine. Displays feature different aspects of agriculture in the state.
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