MORNING Midwest Digest, July 31, 2018MORNING Midwest Digest, July 31, 2018

Max Armstrong talks about a criminal investigation into the recent duck boat accident, crop conditions, a missing college student and snake bites.

July 31, 2018

The Missouri attorney general has opened a criminal investigation into the duck boat accident. It came within two civil lawsuits being filed.

The corn and soybean crops remain in great shape, overall. Both crop conditions held steady from a week ago. However, some fields in Missouri, Kansas and Michigan look dismal.

Authorities in Iowa will give an update on the hunt for a college student. The woman went for a run on July 18 in Brooklyn, Iowa. Her disappearance has gained national attention as investigators check data from her Fitbit and social media accounts.

A Michigan man was bitten by his pet cobra two weeks ago and is still in the hospital. Doctors struggled to find the correct anti-venom. The man is on the road to recovery. 

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