
Max Armstrong talks about material falling to earth. (audio)

January 17, 2018

The National Farm Machinery Show is in Louisville, Ky., in mid-February.

80,000 tons of material will fall to earth’s surface each year. Some will be dust sized, some will light up the sky. Some will make the earth quake. The U.S. Geological Survey said there was 2.0 tremor last night as result of something falling to earth.

Laws that would put cattle producers in same category as oil companies have NCBA rounding up supporters to rally against it.

Did you realize how many prisons in some states aren’t operated by the state?

I don’t have an Apple watch, but friends of mine use them to monitor their health. With dazzling finish of Saints and Vikings game, a bunch of fans said their Apple watches warned them of surge in their cardiac rate.

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