Steve Alexander fills in for Max Armstrong and talks about Illinois budget. (audio)
July 7, 2017
Steve Alexander fills in for Max Armstrong.
Purdue University is getting pile of money from Eli Lilly and Company to research ways to inject medicines. $52 million.
$5 billion is how much more Illinois taxpayers will be forking over in taxes. The state passed budget for first time in two years. Only 6 more states lacking budget. Wisconsin is only one in Midwest.
Nebraska's governor feels state has too many regulations. He told state agencies to stop making new ones unless they are critical. Nov. 15 report due.
In Grand Isle, Neb., someone stole prosthetic arm from pickup truck. It was returned and reward collected.
In Farmer City, Ill., trooper honored. He died in crash last week.
In Indianapolis couple neighbors got into shouting match. Neighbors fired shots against one another. One guy injured.
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