Products offer more options for handling livestockProducts offer more options for handling livestock
What’s new from the shows: Equipment helps reduce stress on animals.
November 28, 2017

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By Farm Progress staff
Handling animals without stressing them is still one of the biggest challenges livestock producers face. The last decade has brought a move forward in understanding how animals need to be handled to reduce stress on them and the people who are working with them.
Companies are responding by continually refining and updating products offered to handle animals. Several new chute and animal-handling systems were among the products Farm Progress editors uncovered at recent farm shows.
Temple Grandin, the animal sciences professor who faced many personal challenges herself, is credited with leading the movement to help livestock producers and others who handle animals to understand what stresses animals. Once you understand it, she reasons, you can take steps to reduce those stresses. Accomplishing that goal may be as simple as redesigning a corral so that it is more welcoming and less frightening to an animal.
Titan West introduces two chute systems to the market for use in livestock operations. The name of one of the chutes, EZ Care, suggests that the company has included features to accomplish what you need to do with animals without putting them under unnecessary stress in the process. Check out the contact information provided below to learn more about both of these new chute systems.
Chutes aren’t the only new livestock equipment editors found at farm shows. Cardinal introduces a new scale to the market with updates features compared to past models. Cardinal has long been a leader in designing and building efficient weighing systems for livestock operations. Arts Way also introduces new products, including a feed mixer. Take time to compare each of the new offerings to products that may already be available on the market. Compare features to see which model best fits the needs of your operation. The contact information is provided to help you learn more about the new products.
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