17 ways to improve corn yield17 ways to improve corn yield

April 11, 2011

3 Min Read
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NOTE: This report was updated 4/5/2016. Maximizing corn yield potential is on everyone's mind this season. What can you do to get the most out of your fields? It may mean considering factors outside of the hybrid you choose and your planting date.

How Well Do You Know Your Corn Hybrid?
This is one of your most important decisions to make before planting corn and meeting any yield goals. This year many farmers planted late - but switching to a shorter-season hybrid too soon can sacrifice yield potential.

Even when planted late, full-season hybrids often outperform early maturing hybrids. There is help in determining if you should switch or stay the course. Download our free report: 17 ways to improve corn yield below.

Get The Most From Your Yield Maps
Accurate data collection begins with a careful yield monitor calibration for each type of grain harvested. It's best not to skimp on this step.

Think about what you want your map to show. The number of yield ranges will affect your map's appearance. Too few ranges will cause meaningful variations to disappear, however using too many ranges makes it hard to see the whole picture clearly.

For more information on knowing, reading and deciphering your yield maps, download our free report: 17 ways to improve corn yield.

What Else You Will Find In Your 17 ways to improve corn yield Free Report?

1. Planting Depth: How Does It Influence Corn Yields?
Planting seed too shallow can cost you the whole field.

2. Give Corn A Nitrogen Kick For Better Yields
Make sure early-planted corn doesn't stall out for lack of Nitrogen.

3. Weed Control: Timing Is Everything
Weed emergence, weed competition with crop, type of weeds and population density all play a part.

4. Tiny Corn Yield-Robbing Pests
Corn Nematodes aren't just a pest that worries soybean growers.  

5. Stress During Pollination? That's Not Good
Stress on corn will have an impact on both pollen shed and silking.

The Bottom Line When Trying To Maximize Your Corn Yield
This free report offers you an in-depth look at a wide range of advantages and key factors that play a huge part in maximizing your corn yield potential.  

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