BEEF Senior Editor Burt Rutherford Recognized As Beef AmbassadorBEEF Senior Editor Burt Rutherford Recognized As Beef Ambassador
BEEF Senior Editor Burt Rutherford was among honorees recognized by the Beef Improvement Federation on Thursday during the organization’s annual meeting in Houston, TX. Other awards will be presented today (Friday, April 20).
April 20, 2012

Larry Mehloff, 5L Ranch, Sheridan, MT, president of the Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) , presents BEEF Senior Editor Burt Rutherford (right) with the organization’s Beef Ambassador Award. The award is bestowed annually one member of the livestock media annually in recognition of their contribution to BIF and furthering the understanding of beef improvement. The award was made Thursday during BIF’s annual convention in Houston, TX.
See the list of other 2012 BIF honorees at
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