Climate Change, How Does Agriculture Adapt?
A week ago, a giant snowstorm passed through the Mid-South.
March 1, 2011
A week ago, a giant snowstorm passed through the Mid-South. Today, it’s 71 degrees outside. Who knows what next week will bring. And it’s only February, for gosh sakes.
All this just reinforces in my mind that some sort of climate change is occurring. Whether this change is caused by global warming, or whether or not global warming is caused by man’s activities, is irrelevant.
Governments believe they can reverse climate change through carbon credits, regionalization of economies, wind power, solar panels, etc. But I’m not so sure. The world’s industrial economy is a force not easily reckoned or tinkered with. For example, what does reducing greenhouse gas emissions here in the U.S. accomplish when China is expanding its highway construction and threatening to surpass the U.S. in automobile ownership?
We did not discuss who or what is to blame for climate change, or whether or not it is possible to reverse its effects. The point of the discussion centered on how agriculture can adapt and either use climate change to our advantage, or at least make it possible for agriculture to succeed in spite of it.
To read the entire article, link here.
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