Cowboy Poetry: “Wild Mustang” by Doug GeisendorferCowboy Poetry: “Wild Mustang” by Doug Geisendorfer
This is the story of a little boy seeking revenge and breaking mustangs.
May 7, 2016

I was just a little boy, the day my Daddy died.
He got bucked off and trampled, by a Wild Mustang he was trying to ride.
I remember feeling empty and scared as Daddy laid there on the ground.
Screaming sirens and my Momma crying was the only sound.
I made a vow right then and there my Daddy's revenge I would get, I'd hunt down every Wild
Mustang there was and break them all before I'd quit.
Well I'm quite a bit bigger now and my Daddy is still in my heart, and I remember that solemn
vow I made and I figured it's about time for me to start.
So I caught a ride to town one day with my Mamma to pick up some stuff, low and behold I saw
a Wild Mustang and yelled back up its about to get rough.
Well I jumped up on that Mustangs back and got me a hand full of mane, as I kicked and
whipped and spurred that Mustang every body looked at me like I was insane.
Well he just stood there with his head down like he was scared or maybe just dumb, so I kicked and
whipped and spurred him some more and said paybacks are hell where I come from.
Right there in front of Kmart everybody started laughing like it was funny, and then some old
man walked up, put a quarter in my hand and said "Cowboy " if you want to ride that Mustang
you're gonna have to put in some money.
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