Managing risk and creating resiliency in livestock sectorManaging risk and creating resiliency in livestock sector

Lance Zimmerman, Senior Beef Analyst with Rabobank, shares his thoughts on how the livestock sector can best manage and create resiliency.

August 15, 2024

15 Min Listen

The greatest risk for the livestock sector in the remainder of 2024 is that which is related to politics and the uncertainty around what the new administration’s policy will be on the economy and agriculture. 
What will end up being in the farm bill? What about support for such things as foreign animal disease monitoring and prevention? How, too, can more resiliency be created in the overall supply chain and what advantages does that hold for the livestock sector?
Feedstuffs Ann Hess caught up with Lance Zimmerman, Rabobank’s Senior Beef Analyst for the North America market during the recent Ag Media Summit in Kansas City. 
This episode of Feedstuffs in Focus is sponsored by United Animal Health, a leader in animal health and nutrition. You can learn more about United Animal Health and how they are working to advance animal science worldwide by visiting the website at

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