Mississippi River Stages To Set 75-Year Records
The Delta Council recently releasd information on expected Mississippi River flooding.
May 13, 2011
The Delta Council recently released information on expected Mississippi River flooding.
“According to current projections by May 20, Mississippi River stages will reach their highest flood elevation since the 1927 flood at the Vicksburg gauge. It should be noted that the 2011 information is from Sunday, April 24, National Weather Service forecasts which have not yet been fully adjusted for the 5-in. to 9-in. accumulation of rainfall that is projected across the Arkansas and Ohio River basin later this week. It is estimated that this rainfall accumulation could account for another May, 2011, adjustment at Vicksburg, of possibly as much as 12 in. to 18 in,” says the Delta Council.
“’According to our information from the Corps of Engineers, there will be a significant flood fight on the Mississippi River levees throughout the Mississippi Delta, but there is no immediate cause for concern relative to levee failure. A flood of this elevation should always be considered extremely serious, since we experience under-seepage which weakens the levee in all major floods such as this,’ states Travis Satterfield, Chairman of the Delta Council Executive Committee.
To read the entire article, link here.
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