New products for spraying seasonNew products for spraying season
What’s new from the shows: Chemical handling products and sprayer accessories are useful for any farm.
November 11, 2017

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By Farm Progress staff
From a tiny spray strainer from Banjo Corp. to UTV sprayers from Ag Spray and Green Leaf, there are lots of options for mixing and applying chemicals besides doing it with large, self-propelled or even pull-type sprayers. Many of these products fit niche markets, but some may well fit into your operation. Which of these products could help spraying go more smoothly on your farm?
The lineup also includes a prototype height adjuster for Y-Drops from 360 Yield Center that may become available in 2018. This new product will allow the height of Y-Drop units on high-clearance sprayers typically applying nitrogen into tall corn to stay at a certain height above the ground. The Y-Drop system also can be used to apply many other products.
Yetter is constructing a toolbar for Y-Drop units so you can switch from a sprayer configuration to the Y-Drop attachment and be ready to go with its high-clearance rig in a matter of minutes. The toolbar is so new that Yetter could only show pictures at fall farm shows, but spokespeople say the product will be coming soon. It’s similar to a coulter bar some people use to inject fertilizer into the ground from a high-clearance sprayer.
Some companies are also offering products that simplify chemical mixing before you are ready to fill the sprayer. Summers introduced Spray Fill Xpress chemical mixing units a year ago. However, this year’s newest model is designed to fit on a seed tender, making it easier to transport to the field for use.
Check out these products and more in the slideshow below, and be sure to use the contact information to follow up on more details.
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