Paul McCartney Drops PETA DVD In Golden Globe Gift BagsPaul McCartney Drops PETA DVD In Golden Globe Gift Bags
While presenting during this year’s Golden Globes ceremony, Paul McCartney apparently did a bit of sly promoting of his new animal-rights film, Glass Walls.
January 19, 2010
While presenting during this year’s Golden Globes ceremony, Paul McCartney apparently did a bit of sly promoting of his new animal-rights film, Glass Walls. According to various sources, the legendary musician placed a copy of each DVD, produced by PETA, into the gift bags of presenters and nominees.
As the contents of those bags is something that generally takes months to put together, we’re not sure if McCartney had the Globes’ permission or not.
What we do know is that Glass Walls isn’t some glossy overview of the meat industry — but rather a behind-the-scenes look at how livestock are killed and processed. McCartney, who narrates the film, believes it’s the only real way to inspire people to think about where their food comes from and reduce their consumption of meat. “I’ve often said, ‘If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.’”
To read the entire article, link here.
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